2017 The Fourth Silk Road International Chambers Of Commerce Investment And Trade Conference – 4th June 2017

2017 Silk Road International Exposition (2017 SRIE) and the 21st Investment & Trade Forum for Cooperation between East and West China (the 21st ITFCEW) were held in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province from June 3rd to 7th, 2017. During this event China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Xi’an Sub-council hosted The Fourth Silk Road International Chamber of Commerce Investment and Trade Conference. The aim of the conference was to accelerate the “One Belt One Road” construction, build new international cooperation platform, promote the cooperation of inter-enterprises and develop mutually beneficial multilateral and bilateral trade and economic relations.

About 250 participants attended the symposium, which included leaders of China Council for The Promotion of International Trade, Xi’an Municipal Government, China Council for The Promotion of International Trade Xi’an Sub-council, Xi’an Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau, Xi’an International Trade & Logistic Park and other departments concerned; the company representatives for China Chamber of International Commerce Xi’an, Hong Kong Xi’an Trade Association Limited and extraterritorial business associations in Xi’an. The conference and symposium was also attended by company representatives of business associations along the “Silk Road”, the government officials from commerce branches of the foreign embassies in China, principals of foreign trade promotion agencies and the representatives of oversea business organizations in Xi’an.

The Opening Ceremony was hosted by Mr. Li Yuan, the deputy mayor of Xi’an municipal government. Key note address was given by the mayor of Xi’an municipal government Mr. Shangguan Jiqing on building platform and promoting the cooperation between the business associations along the “Silk Road” in the construction both of “One Belt One Road” and Xi’an Free Trade Zone(FTZ). Mr. George Abraham made presentation on “The importance of Investments by The Silk Road Region on the growth Small & Medium Enterprises as supporting industries in the ASEAN region”.

The Fourth Silk Road International Chamber of Commerce Opening Ceremony
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The Fourth Silk Road International Chamber of Commerce Opening Ceremony
George Abraham making presentation on The importance of Investments by the Silk Road Region on the growth of the Small & Medium Enterprises as supporting Industries in the ASEAN Region
Mr. George Abraham with Mayor of Xi'an Mr. Jiquing Shangguan
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